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What is a morning basket for homeschool families?

If you have been around the homeschooling block, even just for a bit, you have more than likely heard the phrase “Morning Basket”. As a new to homeschooling mama, one of my first questions was “What is a morning basket?”. I’ve learned a lot in the last year about different approaches to homeschooling and the different strategies many families utilize, but none so impactful for our family as this special time. While I definitely don’t know everything and I am always learning, I thought I might share some of the things I have learned about using this strategy over the last year.

So, what is it? Well, our family morning basket routine is probably the most learning-focused time of our day. But for many families, this time is a wonderful opportunity for whole family learning. Like so many homeschooling strategies and approaches, this time can be utilized and customized differently by each family.

When I first implemented this time, my children were preschoolers and toddlers. Our preschool and toddler morning basket routine looks very different than most of the routines I have read, but it works for us and we love it.

Here are just a few of the typical routine elements. You can also use my FREE Morning Basket Planner to help you create your own routine.

Create your own morning basket routine

Typical Morning Basket Elements

  • Done during a specific time of day (morning, lunch, evening, before bed, etc.)
  • Done whole family
  • Themed
  • A basket, box, bag, or spot in the home where things are stored
  • Can contain nature study, art/music appreciation, literature study, copy work, memorization elements, games, and more
  • Materials are used over a long period of time (week, month, quarter, etc.)
Time of Day

The name “morning basket” is somewhat deceitful, as it certainly does not have to be done during the morning. Many families like to utilize it during lunch or in the evening before bed. For me, at our breakfast table is what is easiest because it serves as a way to kick off our day together. What portion of the day do you think this time would fit best into your learning environment?

What is a morning basket routine?

Whole Family

Most of the morning basket resources I have read and seen, encourage families to come together in a common learning time. Providing kiddos with an opportunity to learn together, before they tackle their individual curriculum or tasks for the day. If you are religious, this is a great time to have whole family devotionals, work on scripture, or pray together. Do all routines need to be whole family? No, definitely not. You make a morning basket routine that works best for your family.


For me, as a curriculum integration nut, this is the fun part. Planning a basket typically involves a common theme for the resources. For example, my preschoolers love all things bees. So, for a month last summer we worked through a bee morning basket theme. We read books, sang songs, played games, and more, all centered around learning all about bees together. 

Themed topics can come from many different places. As you plan your morning basket theme, consider what topics your kiddos are interested in. If you aren’t sure what they might enjoy, try sitting down together and walk through an “I Wonder” lesson. Gather all their curiosities in one place and use those “I Wonders” to guide your morning basket themes. You can also grab topic ideas from your daily lives or from the curriculum you are using.

Bee Themed Morning Basket

Common Storage Place

Our morning “basket” has changed regularly, but the location has remained the same. This helps my kiddos know the routine and keeps them on track with me. While I might use a box for a smaller theme, sometimes I have to break out my large plastic totes for larger themes with more resources. The container doesn’t matter, so much as the routine. Helping your children to walk through a similar routine and be able to find the morning basket resources is truly what matters.


What is in a morning basket?

Your routine will vary by theme or topic. Some themes will be very easy to find art to study (flowers, seasons, other cultures), but some will not always have easily accessible art to view (trucks, construction work, etc). As you plan your basket theme and routine, study other strategies. I learned a lot using the resources below. Try using elements from each routine until you find something that works for you. 

How long should a morning basket be?

Again, like most homeschooling strategies you, as the leader of your homeschool, get to decide how long. I will say, from my research the average family spends about a month on one theme and around an hour each day. As a family, our morning basket themes have lasted a week to one month tops since we are young and lose interest quickly. However, our daily morning basket routine is anywhere from half an hour to 2 hours, mostly because we do our routine during breakfast.


Homeschooling can be many different things and will look different in every home. As you think out your family’s basket routine, consider some of the core elements listed above and how they play into your homeschooling approach. This will help you have a more successful morning basket implementation.


Read more about planning your morning basket routine here.