Home » 15 PBL Unit Ideas and Driving Questions for Summer Project Based Learning
PBL Unit Driving Questions for Summer

Coming up with inspiration for Project Based Learning unit ideas can be a challenge, especially for new PBL teachers. Often, just seeing some examples of quality and authentic Project Based Learning Driving Questions can help spark some relevant summer PBL unit ideas

Below are some driving questions for seasonal PBL units in the summer months. All in all, it is my hope that these questions will ignite your own brainstorming and start the PBL unit planning process for you.

Summer PBL Unit Ideas and Driving Questions

1. Run a Business

Above all, summer is the perfect time for children to learn about entrepreneurship. It is for this reason that I placed this as number one on my list. The purpose behind a student's business will define the Project Based Learning Unit’s goals and content. For that reason, consider backwards planning to think about what problem your students could solve by planning, running, and reflecting on their own businesses. Here are a few driving questions to get your students started in your summer PBL unit planning. 

  • How can we, as entrepreneurs, help (insert community partner business here) with their financial needs?
  • How can we, as marketers, help _____ raise awareness around their campaign/event?
  • How can we, as  concerned consumers, provide quality products that are environmentally safe for our community?
  • How can we, as gardeners, secure resources for our school after our budget has been slashed?
  • How can we, as entrepreneurs, contribute to our community’s local businesses?


Check out this great example of some lemonade stands and summer PBL units centered around business practices.


2. Get Outside!

Summer and “outside” are synonyms for almost all children. It is for this reason, that it is natural that a summer PBL unit would include something about nature or being outside. Below are a few Driving Questions that can spark a PBL unit around the great outdoors. Many of these driving questions focus on gardening as an option. For more Driving Questions around gardening, check out my Spring PBL Driving Question post. 

  • How can we, as gardeners, provide fresh produce to those in need?
  • How can we, as conservationists, support clean water efforts in our community?
  • How can we, as concerned citizens, spread awareness around sun safety?
  • How can we, as gardeners, teach our community how to provide produce for themselves?

Summer PBL Unit Driving Questions

3. Get Active! Get Involved!

Without a doubt, some of the best sports are played during the summer. Integrating content knowledge with your active PBL unit, can be a powerful way to get students physically moving and learning. Similarly, the summer is a perfect time to get students out and active in their community. Here are a few driving questions that focus on getting active and getting involved. 

  • How can we, as athletes, help our community provide  opportunities for everyone to participate in sports?
  • How can we, as nature enthusiasts, encourage our local parks to make trails accessible to families of all abilities?
  • How can we, as All-American baseball lovers, reinvigorate a love of this historical pass-time in our community?
  • How can we, as world-wide soccer/futbol fans, encourage the different cultures within our community to come together?

4. Other

Summer, like any season, is unique and can spark some ideas that don’t necessarily connect with other topics but are rich in content knowledge integration. For example, launching a PBL unit around a holiday like the Fourth of July or focusing on the rich SEL principles behind peer-to-peer relationship building. Read more examples below. 

  • How can we, as leaders, provide our peers with what they need to be successful this next academic year?
  • How can we, as American citizens, help our community learn about our nation's history and founding?

Once you have inspiration for your PBL unit, you are ready to adjust the driving question to fit your classroom or needs. Writing a driving question is often a struggle for first time PBL facilitators. If you find you need feedback, please join my FREE Elementary Project Based Learning Facebook group and post your driving question. PBL facilitators from around the world will help to give you feedback and hone your planning craft.

Write Your Own Project Based Learning Unit Driving Question

Planning a PBL unit for summer has many benefits. Once you have a driving question for your seasonal PBL unit, you are ready for planning your summer PBL unit. The key to a successful PBL unit is a strong driving question that engages and inspires your students.

Happy PBLing!


Ready to plan your Project Based Learning unit? Check out my PBL unit planner, capable of being used over and over again with each new unit idea you plan.